#DA2I1 - Objectives
Accelerator articles
- #DA2I0 - Preamble
- #DA2I1 - Objectives
- #DA2I2 - Use of terms
- #DA2I3 - Principles
- #DA2I4 - Externalization as a focal conversion in Local Content Acceleration
- #DA2I5 - Low Hurdles for partners in Local Content Acceleration
- #DA2I6 #sdt09c - Economic viability
- #DA2I7 - Knowledge resources
- #DA2I8 #Lib4Dev - Recruitment approach
The Local Content Accelerator has the following objectives:
- to engage a broad community of development and content conversion actors in the articulation and open externalization of public content in the local languages;
- to establish low hurdle agreements among cooperating parties so as to achieve a rapid and sustainable dissemination of efficient media-use practices;
- to encourage an inclusive discourse about livelihood concerns, among local communities in their local languages;
- to promote specific instruments and business models for local knowledge economies.
For public content, these objectives must imply the following:
- the cumulative articulation and both global and local visibility of knowledge that is in the public domain, including in local languages;
- an improved provision of local services for knowledge conversion, globally and in all languages;
- the accelerated provision of services to localize knowledge as part of sustainable livelihood and development initiatives by smallholders.
At page 1 of the strategy:
Overarching aim: An efficient, respected international intellectual property system that encourages innovation and creativity while enabling the economy and society to benefit from knowledge and ideas.
Three Key Goals:
Jan Goossenaerts
The MDG goal 8 aimed to develop an "open, rule-based, predictable, non discriminatory trading and financial system".
(page 4 of Partnerships for the SDGs: A legacy review towards realizing the 2030 Agenda).
Knowledge commons aren't traded.
They were missing from the goal, and the "partnership vision".
Let's not repeat this error in the #2030Agenda.
Jan Goossenaerts